The decision to buy air conditioners is literally depopulating in recent decades. But do you really have to wonder? The answer is obviously no. The heat makes you irritable, sensitive, fatigued, tired and impatient. There are many people forced to work in environments where there is no air conditioner and after a day’s work under heat and heat, the only desire they have is to go home and relax in the company of the coolness generated by their air conditioner.
Not to mention the sleepless nights that force us to turn over in bed, or get up to drink fresh water so we can feel relief, or throw ourselves directly into the shower at 2 or 3 in the morning or even wander around our house in search of the coolest room so we can finally get to sleep.
Often we don’t realize the discomforts that the fall can cause, such as pressure drops, dizziness and headaches, blurring of vision. Older people are the most prone to these symptoms and often, already weak for other reasons, feel their health weaken even more.
So you can see that the purchase of an air conditioner is sincerely one of those “must” that today, almost every family decides to introduce in their homes. It is all the more reason to enjoy the peace of their home without being forced to invent remedies every day to combat the heat.
Thanks to the great demand for air conditioners, it has been possible for experts in the field to develop different models with different characteristics with the sole aim of improving quality and satisfying customer requirements as much as possible. In fact, in this regard, there are different types of air conditioners according to different needs, places and people.
How to install a portable air conditioner:
Clearly, after bringing to light all the positive characteristics of having an air conditioner inside the house, it must also be said that it is not a minimal expense and that some families have to make sacrifices in order to have one inside their homes. The installation of one of these, in fact, involves the help of experts who must have a clear situation of how to install it, where and if it is necessary to do extra work so that everything is in order and perfect. Sometimes, in houses, especially older ones, there can be problems in terms of humidity inside the walls, missing pipes and the impossibility of introducing new ones inside the walls. In short, at this point it would seem almost a sacrifice, more than a solution to the heat.
Not to mention those who live in apartments or houses that do not belong to them; they would have to call the owner, ask permission to install the air conditioner, pay extra expenses, with the risk, then, of having to dismantle everything once they decide to change home.
The good news and the solution to all these problems is there, because the experts have thought of everything, but just everything: THE HOLDING CONDITIONER without wires and pipes that often create problems and inconveniences. And that’s not all, these appliances are also ideal in terms of reducing energy consumption, in fact, by choosing an air conditioner of energy class A or A+, it will be possible to obtain a reduction in energy consumption, so as to save on cost and to respect more the environment that surrounds us.
How to install it and get the pipe out the window?
As we have already pointed out, the portable air conditioner is an excellent solution for those who run the risk of encountering problems with a normal installation. There is one however. The portable air conditioner is equipped with an essential tube in order to eliminate the heat accumulated inside the room. This pipe must necessarily be placed outside the house, in an outdoor area. In this regard, in fact, a window should be left open: which would not be a particularly efficient solution because there would be a large dispersion of cold air generated by the air conditioner.
The best solution, in this regard, is to connect the air conditioner pipe to the window. The good thing is that the air conditioner, being portable, can be easily moved around the house, given the ease with which you can connect the pipe to a window.
In fact, every air conditioner is equipped with a universal installation kit; sometimes this kit is not perfectly compatible with every type of window but you can easily modify it according to your needs. Subsequently, if the modification of the kit has been successful, make sure to seal all the gaps between the air outlet pipe and the window itself.
If the universal kit is impossible to adapt to your type of window, there are other solutions to solve your problems.
For example, you can make a tailor-made adapter using materials such as cardboard, Plexiglas or plywood.
Is it possible to install an air conditioner without pipe?
Sure, it’s possible. Pipe-less air conditioners are a convenient and practical solution for those who need an air conditioner that can be easily placed in different places. For example, there are very large houses that need more than one air conditioner to keep the room cool, or in large offices it is difficult for the air to reach every corner, in this case having a portable air conditioner could be the trump card to solve all kinds of problems.
Usually, precisely because they are designed to be moved from one room to another, they are small in size. Despite the absence of a pipe, it is advisable to place it near windows and fake air in order to allow the appliance to expel hot air. This process of expulsion of hot air takes place through a thermovector inside a closed circuit. In fact, the refrigerant fluid through changes in shape or pressure is able to take heat from the room and release it to the outside.
Is there a regulation to be respected?
Since last October 2014, it is mandatory to be in possession of the air conditioning system booklet with power greater than or equal to 12 kW. But that’s not all, it is also necessary to carry out the system rating and the energy efficiency control report. The booklet can only be issued by authorized maintenance technicians or installers in possession of F-gas qualification.
Those in possession of the air conditioner, must take care to have the checks carried out on every part of the system. In addition, energy efficiency checks must be carried out every 2-4 years if the power is more than 12 kW.
If the owner of the air conditioner is not in possession of the respective booklet or if the mandatory checks are not carried out, the owner of the air conditioner may be subject to penalties. Those who do not carry out the mandatory checks could be fined between 500 and 3000 euros. If it is the technician who does not carry out the mandatory checks in accordance with current legislation, he could be fined between 1000 and 6000 euros.
The advice is to try to comply with these regulations as much as possible, not only to avoid the sanctions mentioned above, but also for your own safety and that of all the people in the environment.
Advice and suggestions
As with any self-respecting device or appliance, there are a number of rules and tips to make everything work perfectly. First of all, a study conducted by AICARR, the Italian Heating and Refrigeration Air Conditioning Association, has shown that during the summer months it would be advisable to maintain refrigeration at around 23°-26° so as to maintain good air recirculation with consequent dehumidification.
Subsequently, other measures can be listed. One of these is not to aim the air conditioner directly at people or at the bed where you sleep.
This could be harmful to the person. It is true that often the heat prevents us from sleeping by constantly turning the bed in the hope that it will cool down sooner or later, but having an air conditioner directed at us is certainly not the best solution. If you feel the immediate benefit, you may not think the same thing the next morning.
On the contrary, the cold air on your body causes not inconsiderable discomfort such as migraines, abdominal pain, rheumatism and colds. It is advisable to set the auto power off, so that the air conditioning does not circulate all the time. This would be appropriate both for a matter of saving money and for a matter of health. In fact, in connection with the above, an ideal temperature makes it easier to sleep, but if you fall asleep you run the risk of not turning off the air conditioner, which would work for too many hours. In addition, setting the correct temperature is the key to not incurring discomfort, you should not overdo it by selecting very low temperatures, although sometimes the temptation is strong due to excessive heat. In short, they are small tricks, but if respected they will make you appreciate even more the choice of your portable air conditioner.